how AI imagines our work
Our specialists elaborate all necessary steps so that you benefit from the advantages of high-quality data. As a result, you receive logically structured and correct data for further processing in marketing and sales.
/data.mill for Excel® combines decades of our know-how in one tool.The ease of use allows profitable results in just a few minutes. In addition you remain independent of service providers and always retain full control over your data.
Microsoft Access® is a powerful tool to build your own database applications. When working with structured table data (e.g. customer addresses) it has several advantages compared to Microsoft Excel. /data.mill for Access® enhances Microsoft Access® by adding additional functions e.g. check and correct addresses, verify mobile numbers and many more.
/data.mill for applications is a web-based interface to check, correct and enrich personal data. The internationally applicable functions can easily be integrated into existing applications and web forms and thus enable you to professionally prepare your customer database, directly in your system, in your contact- or online-raffle forms.