300 Languages built in

Determine the country names in any language from the ISO 3166-1 country codes.

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300 Languages built in

More Conversion functions


Converts all letters of any word in the respective capitals.


Converts all letters of any word in the respective lowercase.

Case sensitivity

The function changes any word so that the first letter is capitalized and all the others turned into lower case. Special proper names, like DiCaprio are detected and ignored. Typos in the collection of data, particularly when using smartphones or tablets can so be solved comfortably.

Wrap text

The function inserts newlines in a given text to limit the width of each line. The string length of each line can be adjusted. The newline will always be inserted before any word to ensure the readability of the text.

Technical Description

Language-independent recognition of countries and conversion to the respective ISO country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 and ISO 3166-1 alpha-3). A reverse lookup is also possible: Determination of the country based on the ISO country codes. The language of the output can be adjusted and determined by the user.

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